Hire charges

Hire charges below are valid for bookings taking place with effect from 1st July 2024, unless specified. Bookings are for a minimum of 1 hour, and in ½ hour slots thereafter up to a maximum on 8 hours. Please allow sufficient time for setting up and clearing away when booking your event. The 'subsidised' rate is available only to residents of Letcombe Regis and regular hirers ( 10 times in the year ending 31st December). Full Terms and Conditions of Hire will be sent to anyone wishing to hire the hall. Hiring the hall indicates agreement to abide by all Terms and Conditions. You can use this link to download the full Terms and Conditions.for anything outside of standard terms please contact the hall team


The Main Hall: (between 08:00 and midnight with full use of the kitchen and the AV system). £30 per hour (subsidised £18 per hour).

Children’s parties: £90 (subsidised £60) for 3 1/2 hours ( between 09:00 and 18:00 ) with full use of the kitchen and the AV system.

Events and functions package: Event between 08:00 and midnight ( with full use of the whole village hall including Warborough Room and kitchen) including access to the hall from 14:00 on the previous day to prepare and the day after until 12:00 midday for clearing up.

Charge for the events and functions package in 2024-25: £2250 ( subsidised villager rate £1200 ).

All day hire at weekends is available at weekends for a charge of £800 for non villagers and £500 for villagers from 9am to midnight

Please note: The Trust who run the hall restricts the number of events and functions which include set-up and clear-away. Please contact us if you would like to hire the Hall for an event or function spanning more than a day.

The Warborough Room between 08:00 and midnight ( with kitchenette, crockery, projector screen, and flipchart ). £15 per hour ( subsidised £10 per hour ).

Please note: Should you wish to charge for alcohol at your event, a fee of £30 will apply, to cover use of the hall premises licence, for the sale of alcohol. Some additional charges may apply should external equipment be used during an event. If you would like to make a booking or discuss a future event that you are planning, please CONTACT US